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In addition to selling mining machines, Keyes Miners also provides professional crypto mining equipment maintenance services. We have repair centers in Chengdu, China, the United States, and Malaysia, and can repair many popular mining machine brands such as Bitmain, IceRiver, Goldshell, Avalon and Whatsminer. We minimize your downtime by providing fast turnaround times (subject to parts availability).

At the same time, we also have accessories including power supplies, chips, control boards,cords and fans. You can purchase replacement parts for mining machines directly in our store.

Contact us

Common mining machine maintenance models:

Antminer Miners, Avalon Miners, IceRiver Miners, Innosilicon Miners, Whatsminer Miners, GoldShell Miners etc.

Please contact us for a full price list of crypto mining repair services, or please send a miner problem description and our technicians will help you solve the problem as soon as possible.



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