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Why Crypto Miner Hosting?

Why go to a crypto server hosting facility when you can mine from your house? That’s a question we often receive from people. Yes, mining from your house will be ideal, but multiple miners running at once will increase your electric bill and make your house extremely uncomfortable due to the heat the miners will produce. You can go out, find an electrician, and spend thousands of dollars just to run a single miner. Or you can find a mining facility that can handle all your needs with no hassle.

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The Benefits of Crypto Mining Hosting

Keyes Miner has partnered with a number of hosting facilities in the United States, Canada, Russia, and Paraguay. Fees include one-time setup costs as well as electricity. Tell us how many miners you need to host and choose the hosting facility closest to you!
● Remote Monitoring
You have remote access to your miner to check the temperature and the hashrate is meeting your standards.
● Mining Machine Hosting Process
If users purchase mining machines from our company and need hosting, we will be responsible for transporting them to the hosting mine. The mining farm is deployed and maintained by professional personnel 24/7, eliminating the need for complex configuration and management processes, allowing for easy and fast access to stable mining income.
● Purchase a mining machine
When you choose mining machine hosting, we will ship your mining machine to the US mining farm before the machine set up date. 
● Waiting for shipment
It usually takes 3-5 business days to transport from the warehouse to the mine.
● Arrival at the mining farm
Our skilled technicians will handle the deployment and distribution of the mining machine.Upon the completion of the deployment and allocation proces,;it is mandatory for new mining machines entering the hosting system to make upfront payments for 60 days of electricity and machine fees. The electricity fee is set at $0.085/kWh,while the machine fee is fixed at $50/unit.
● Start mining
Once the electricity and machine fees are settled, we will configure the mining pool and wallet address you provided. After the configuration is completed, you can enjoy mining!


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